In the name of domain system, top level domains are divided into two categories:
1. Generic top level domains (gTLD, Generic Top Level Domain), such as .com, .net, .org, .biz, .name, .info...
2. Top level domains corresponding to a country (ccTLD, Country Code Top Level Domain), such as .at for Austria, .au for Australia, .md for Moldova, or .es for Spain.
This primary diferentiation is for classification purposes, as from the technical point of view, a generic or a geographic name work in the same way. Similarly, this division is void regarding register services, as, although in their origins generic domains were open in their requirements, and registered in real time, while territorial domains set barriers and requirements for their obtention, besides the fact that their allocation was not in real time, there was a delay because of the time required to check. Nowadays, this cannot be a defining element, as we can find both territorial domains not requiring register conditions and generic domains which are not recorded in real time, and which feature restrictions.