1.- Intemediation Services in Patent and Trademark Transactions.
In those cases which require it, Premark has a department specialized in intermediations in processes of sale or leasing of patents and trademarks to third parties, managing orders of search for a partner or a purchaser required in this kind of transactions.
2.- Sale of Patents.
- Transaction in Stage-1
When the Patent corresponds to the idea of a product or a system with no prior prototype (e.g.: only the idea has been patented), the first step by Premark will be to search and choose a partner which purchases the Patent or which invests (seed capital) in order to carry out the development of the prototype together with the holder as a step prior to the manufacturing and / or exploitation stage.
- Transaction in Stage-2
a. When the patent corresponds to a product or a system of which a prior prototype exists which shows its functionality, the next step by Premark will be to search and select directly a partner which purchases the Patent or invests (expansion capital or development capital) in order to manufacture and expoit it together with the holder.
- Transaction in Stage-3
a. When the Patent corresponds to a product or a system which is already in full exploitation but, for whatever reasons, the holder wants to sell it fully or partially, Premark will directly search and choose a partner or a purchaser which acquires the Patent, either fully or partially.
The services offered in these three stages include a report by PREMARK on the transaction, as well as selective campaigns to approach potential customers, either domestic or international, which are interested in any of these cases.
Premark will enter into conversations with them, and will negotiate according to the conditions agreed with the client owner of the Patent, and in no case Premark will sign any agreement without the prior written consent of the client.
3.- Selling a Trademark
In Trademark transactions, two cases are distinguished:
- Selling a Trademark
a. In those cases where the sale of a Trademark is intended, PREMARK offers its services for the search and localization of possible clients interested in purchasing it in every class and industrial or business sector covered by the Trademark, or those which may be covered in the future, both at national and international level.
- Integrated operation or transfer of a Trademark
a. In those cases where the sale is not intended, but the transfer or integrated operation of a registered Trademark, PREMARK offers its services for the search and localization of possible clients interested in its commercial exploitation in all the classes and industrial or commercial sectors covered by the Trademark or those which can be covered in the future, both at national and international level, either as licensees or as partners.
In both cases, PREMARK will carry out a Trademark Report with the features offered and the conditions required, and will subsequently perform selective campaigns in order to set in contact with possible clients, either national or international, interested in the use of the TRADEMARK.
It will carry out conversations and negotiations according to the conditions agreed with the holder, and will never sign any agreement without the prior written consent of the client.