All the orignal creations, literary, artistic or scientific, expressed through any means or media, tangible or intangible, currently known or which may be invented in the future, including:
- Books, brochures, printings, letters, writings, speeches, conferences, forensic reports, lecturer's explanations and any other work of this kind.
- Musical compositions, with or without lyrics.
- Dramma and musical-drammatical works, coreographies, pantomimes and theater works in general.
- Cinema works and any other audio-visual work.
- Sculptures and painting, drawing, engraving, litography and comic works, as well as their rough drafts, and the rest of plastic works, either applied or not.
- Projects, plans, dummies and designs of architecture and engineering.
- Graphs, maps and designs regarding topography, geography and science in general.
- Photography works, and those which are expressed by procedures analogue to photography.
- Computing programmes.
The title of the work, when original, will be protected as part of the work.
Derived works.- Without prejudice of the author's rights on the original work, the following are also liable to intellectual property :
- Translations and adaptations.
- Revisions, updatings and quotations.
- Compendiums, abstracts and extracts.
- Musical arrangements.
- Any transformation of a literary, artistic or scientific work.
Collection.- The collections of works by other authors, such as anthologies, are also liable to intelectual property, as well as other elements or data which, because of its selection or the disposition of matters constitute an intellectual creation, without prejudice, in its case, of the rights of the authors of the original works.