The natural person which creates a literary, artistic or scientific work will be considered as its author. The intellectual property of any of these kinds of work belongs to the author solely because of its creation.
The condition of author cannot be waived; it cannot be transferred "inter vivos" or "mortis causa", it does not extinguish with time and it cannot become of public knowledge, or be liable to prescription.
Work in cooperation.- The rights on a work as a single result of the cooperation of several authors belongs to all of them. In order to disclose and modify the work, the authorisation of all the authors is required. The intellectual property rights of a work in cooperation belong to all of its authors, in the rate that they may determine.
Collective work.- A collective work is a work that has been created by the initiative and under the coordination of a natural or juridical person, which publishes and disseminates it under its name and consists of their contribution, which merge into a unique and autonomous creation for which it will have been conceived, and no right will be assigned separately on the whole of the work performed. Unless it is agreed otherwise, the rights on the collective work will belong to the person which publishes and disseminates it on his/her/its behalf.
Compound and independent work.- A compund work is a work which incorporates a pre-existing work without the cooperation of his/her author, without prejudice of the corresponding rights and his/her mandatory authorization. A work which is an autonomous creation will be considered as independent, even if it is published together with others.